Why Vaping is the ‘healthy’ alternative to traditional cigarettes

Why Vaping is the ‘healthy’ alternative to traditional cigarettes

Why Vaping is the ‘healthy’ alternative to traditional cigarettes ?


During the coronavirus pandemic, we rarely talk about other lung related health problem such as tobacco smoking, or about one way to avoid it, such as e-cigarette vaping. Off note, however, smoking and particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a risk factor for a severe course of a COVID-19 infection. The Global Burden of Disease Study has ranked tobacco smoking as the second of all risk factors for global deaths, just after hypertension.1

Electronic (e)-cigarette vapour, which contains substantially less toxins than tobacco or traditional cigarette smoke (which has over 7,000 toxins), has been marketed as a ‘healthy’ alternative to traditional cigarettes and is reported to be an effective method of smoking cessation.2 As a consequence, there has been a rapid growth of e-cigarette use, with the result that e-cigarettes rapidly became the most commonly used tobacco product in the USA.

Long-term effects of smoking Tobacco

Smoking has many adverse effects on the body in the long term. The CDC report that smoking:

  • Reduces sperm count
  • Increases the risk of pregnancy loss or congenital disabilities
  • Increases the risk of cataracts
  • Impairs immune system function
  • Increases general inflammation
  • Can cause cancer in nearly any part of the body, including the lungs, kidneys, and stomach
  • Triggers asthma attacks
  • Causes blockages in veins and arteries
  • Increases the risk of stroke
  • Reduces the overall health of a person, causing issues such as missed work and increased healthcare costs
  • Stains teeth, skin and clothing 
  • Unpleasant oral smells 

Electronic (e)-cigarette vapour, which contains substantially less toxins than tobacco or traditional cigarette smoke still contains Nicotine which has been proven to be harmful. Users should NOT Smoke or Vape if they have the any respiratory related illnesses. Any form of smoking is not considered ‘safe’ however if an individual is choosing to smoke, the ‘healthier’ less damaging option has been proven to be vaping or (e)-cigarette in countless studies over the last year. ALL Users should consult their doctors or medics before switching to Vaping.

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